Saturday, March 27, 2010


This week we learned about PowerPoint, and how to create lessons for our students to use. In our groups we were asked to find a lesson in the book “50 Quick and Easy PowerPoint Activities” and use it as a model to create our own.

At first there was a lot of confusion in my group as to what audience (fellow teachers/students/parents of students) our lesson was supposed to be focused towards. After we were told that we were making a lesson to show to our “students”, so they could create their own power points, things were a lot clearer.
As a student myself, PowerPoint is an important skill to have when I have to do a class presentation. I already knew how to create professional PowerPoint assignments, but it never crossed my mind that students as young as Kindergarten create PowerPoints for assignments as well (I never did). It has been really interesting creating a lesson-plan that will show students how to do a particular PowerPoint lesson.

In the future I definitely plan on using PowerPoint assignments in my class. They are fun, relatively easy, and the uniqueness of every slide-show gives you a lot of insight into each child’s personality and thought process. For example, you ask your students to create a slideshow that shows their favorite foods, or things they see every day. The responses you as sure to get will be extremely varied and interesting to share with the class.
As a colleague, PowerPoint can also be very helpful. In meetings, it can be used to show the progress of each class in your grade, or your individual students. It can also be a way to lighten the mood in meetings by slipping funny pictures into the slides. I am a firm believer that no meeting should be too serious that a little humor wouldn’t be appreciated by all.

Alright, this week’s video was just plain cute! I have never really been interested in raising chickens (ducks are more my thing), but Jordan seems to have a real love for it. I liked how she introduced the different types of chickens she was raising and put in a little information on each. I also liked how she introduced each chick—although I’m not sure I’d ever want to have a bird standing on my head for any period of time…….

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